We are all very familiar with doorbells, practically every house comes with one, someone presses it and you open the door, you get the picture. There are situations however where a regular old doorbell will not suffice. A standard chime can only really let you know there is someone at your door, that’s really it. A smart video doorbell is capable of a whole lot more, being able to show you who is standing at your door, all done with the app on your phone. With our own Hombli Smart Doorbell 2 in mind, we think a smart video doorbell could be the perfect solution to the following problems:
See who's ringing
Let’s say you live on the second floor (or higher) and you can’t see your visitors from your window. Of course, you want to know who rang your bell before you go down to open the door. With the Smart Doorbell 2, you will be able to see who pressed your doorbell. Check the notification and in the Hombli app you can see a live video feed. The Chime 2, included in the Smart Doorbell Pack, can also sound a traditional gong if the doorbell is pressed, giving you the best of both worlds.
At work
If you work a full-time 9 to 5 job, you are often away from home. When you are expecting a parcel, it can be quite annoying if you have to miss it because you are at work. With the Smart Doorbell 2 you get a notification on your smartphone if the deliverer is at your door with your package. Now you can instruct the courier to drop your parcel in a location that suits you, using the 2-way audio system.
During holidays
You don’t want to think about it, but when you are on holidays, out relaxing in the sun, your house can be more vulnerable for burglary. Installing the Smart Doorbell 2 can help you keep an eye on your home, as it can detect anyone who gets close to your front door. You will receive a notification and you can instantly check if there are indeed any unwanted guests near your house. This way you can notify the authorities as soon as possible, protecting your belongings in the process.
As you can now imagine, a smart video doorbell can be very helpful in many different situations. We believe it is the next step in the evolution of the doorbell. If you want to learn how you can get even more out the Smart Doorbell 2 and our other products, check out our guide to setting up Smart Scenarios, or read any of our other blogs.