Hombli Rewards
Earn SmartCoins with every order in the Hombli store to use on your next purchase. Get 2 SmartCoins for every euro spent and discover other ways to earn, like leaving a review or referring a friend.
Earn Hombli coins
Place an order
2 SmartCoins for every €1 spent
Create an account
100 SmartCoins for creating an account
Write a review
Up to 600 SmartCoins for a review
Refer a friend
You get 500 SmartCoins
They get20% off coupon
100 SmartCoins to celebrate your birthday
Follow on Instagram
100 SmartCoins for following on Instagram
Share on Facebook
100 points for sharing on Facebook
Share on X
100 points for sharing on X

Spend Hombli Coins

Coupon €25,-
500 Hombli Coins

Coupon €50,-
1000 Hombli Coins

Hombli Bluetooth Bridge
800 Hombli Coins

Hombli Solar Cam 2K
3000 Hombli Coins

Hombli Tote bag
300 Hombli Coins

Hombli Stickerpack
50 Hombli Coins
Sign up now!
Sign up now to receive relevant product updates and news, and get 100 SmartCoins added to your Hombli account
Frequently asked questions
Don't find you question? Feel free to contact us at support@hombli.com
Where can I use my Hombli SmartCoins?
You can ear and redeem your SmartCoins only in the Hombli webshop
How can I refer a friend and earn points?
Navigate to your account > Hombli rewards > Earn
Here you can find a personal link. Anyone that purchases a product using this link will automatically get 20% off the order, and you will earn 500 SmartCoins. A win-win-situation!
Will my SmartCoins expire?
No, there is no expiry date on you Hombli SmartCoins. Once redeemed you will receive a coupon-code which will activate the discount in the webshop. This Coupon code will expire after a set period.
What will happen if I return or cancel an order?
Your earned SmartCoins will be deducted from your account after cancelling or returning an order
Where can I see my SmartCoins
Simply log-in to your account on this website and navigate to Hombli Rewards
On this page you can also redeem your SmartCoins for special rewards
Are there any costs to joining the Hombli Rewards program?
No, joining the Hombli Rewards program is completely free ;)