The importance of a natural daily rhythm

When you wake up, your body produces serotonin. This substance ensures that you become alert. Your body will continue as long as it’s light outside. Not only the strength of the light, but also the color (the temperature) has a major influence on the production of this substance. For its production it’s important to have a cold color temperature, such as bright white. So make sure that your smart lights in at the living and working environment are adjusted to this.
Melatonin is the opposite of serotonin. When it gets dark, your body converts serotonin into melatonin. This substance ensures that you relax and become sleepy. Do you suffer from sleeping amnesia? Then it’s extra important to avoid bright light well before going to bed, so that your body can produce enough melatonin. Use for example smart filament bulbs to get in a sleepy mood. As a result, you sleep much deeper and wake up refreshed. That is why it’s important to adjust the light in your home well before going to bed.