Hombli Smart Socket FR

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Mit dem Hombli Smart Plug können Sie jedes gewöhnliche Gerät in Ihrem Haus im Handumdrehen intelligenter machen! Die Installation erfolgt ganz einfach über Ihr WLAN-Netzwerk und... Weiterlesen

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Erfahren Sie mehr über das Hombli-Prämienprogramm

Mit dem Hombli Smart Plug können Sie jedes gewöhnliche Gerät in Ihrem Haus im Handumdrehen intelligenter machen! Die Installation erfolgt ganz einfach über Ihr WLAN-Netzwerk und Ihr Telefon. Steuern Sie den Smart Plug von überall mit der kostenlosen Hombli App und per Sprachsteuerung mit Google Assistant und Amazon Alexa.

Einfache Installation und Bedienung
Einfach zu installieren
Der Hombli Smart Plug ist im Handumdrehen installiert. Alles, was du brauchst, ist ein WLAN-Netzwerk, ein Telefon und die Hombli App. Stecken Sie den Smart Plug ein und folgen Sie den klaren Anweisungen in der App.
Fernsteuerung mit Ihrem Telefon
Mit der Hombli App können Sie den Smart Plug jederzeit zu Hause, unterwegs und sogar im Urlaub steuern. Schalten Sie Geräte ein und aus, überwachen Sie den Energieverbrauch und erstellen Sie Zeitpläne über die benutzerfreundliche App. Laden Sie die App kostenlos über Google Play oder den App Store herunter.

Die Vorteile des Hombli Smart Plugs
Zeitpläne erstellen
Schalten Sie den Smart Plug über Zeitpläne zu jeder Tageszeit automatisch ein und aus. So heizen Sie die Kaffeemaschine morgens, kurz bevor der Wecker klingelt, automatisch auf und beginnen den Tag gleich mit einer heißen Tasse Kaffee.
Automatisch ein- und ausschalten
Stellen Sie einen Timer für Geräte ein, bei denen Sie manchmal vergessen, sie auszuschalten. Schalten Sie z. B. den Smart Plug nach 30 Minuten automatisch aus. Auf diese Weise müssen Sie sich nicht mehr darum kümmern, ob Sie das Bügeleisen ausgeschaltet haben.

Intelligentes Energiesparen
Die Energieüberwachungsfunktion gibt Ihnen in Echtzeit Einblick in den Stromverbrauch Ihrer Geräte. Signalisieren Sie unnötigen Verbrauch und sparen Sie auf intelligente Weise Energie, indem Sie in der App Zeitpläne und Timer einstellen.

Sprachsteuerung mit Google Home und Alexa
Haben Sie gerade alle Hände voll zu tun? Bitten Sie den Google Assistant oder Alexa, Ihre Geräte zu steuern! Koppeln Sie den Smart Plug mit einem Google Home Mini-Lautsprecher, Google Nest Hub oder Amazon Echo Dot und steuern Sie ihn freihändig per Sprachsteuerung.

Kombinieren Sie Smart Home Produkte
Der Hombli Smart Plug läuft auf der sicheren Smart Home Plattform von Tuya Smart. Dadurch können Sie den Smart Plug sicher und einfach mit anderen Hombli Produkten kombinieren. Die intelligenten Produkte von Hombli sind auch mit anderen Marken kompatibel, die die Tuya Smart Home-Plattform unterstützen.

Ihre Privatsphäre hat für uns höchste Priorität
Wir respektieren Ihre Privatsphäre in hohem Maße und tun alles, um sie zu schützen. Unsere Cloud-Server sind durch Amazon gesichert und befinden sich in Frankfurt, Deutschland, wo die Datenschutzstandards sehr hoch sind. Ihre Daten werden stets in Übereinstimmung mit den europäischen Datenschutzrichtlinien gespeichert, verwendet und gelöscht, und nur Sie haben Zugriff darauf.

  • 1 Hombli Smart Socket FR
Manual (EU): Download manual
Manual (Nordics): Download manual
Declaration of Conformity: Download document
Guides & troubleshooting: Open website

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Customer Reviews

Based on 101 reviews
Great socket

I was looking for a socket like this. Setting it up was a bit difficult as the WiFi network has to be 2.4GHz, but once it's plugged in and connected to Alexa, the socket is just fun. The additional 2 on/off switches on the sides are hardly noticeable.

Opa Karli
Switch and control remotely...

This smart socket from “Hombli” is intended for the normal 220-250 volt power network. This socket can be remotely controlled via WiFi in the home area and is versatile. Various programs can be run with the Tuya app. It is possible to turn this WiFi socket into a timer using this app. In this app, a consumer's electricity consumption can be read and analyzed and saved over a longer period of time. It is also compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Home & Siri and the popular Tuya app, which enables linking to control with the aforementioned programs. Of course, remote control can also be done using the free Hombli app. If this socket is properly connected to Alexa, it can also be switched with simple voice control. Of course, there is also an emergency switch on the socket to switch it on or off manually in the event of a WiFi failure. With a Fritz Box, however, it is again necessary to release the IP of the WLAN socket for the Internet before pairing with the cell phone and the Tuya app. If this is not done first, this app will probably not establish a connection to the socket. A connection is only possible in the normal 2.4 GHz network. After the first test I can say that the connection is stable, remote control via cell phone is OK and a useful function is the integrated voltage monitoring and the evaluation of consumption. Well, the price is not entirely without cost, there are also cheaper ones, but everyone can test for themselves whether they can maintain a stable connection and do not cause failures. All I can say is that the quality and stability are right and that is an important purchasing decision when it comes to WiFi sockets.

GDPR compliant

I already use various smart WiFi sockets and find this type to be extremely practical. Today I'm trying out the "Hombli Smart Socket" for just under 24 euros.First contactI receive a colorfully printed box. Unpacking is a bit fiddly due to the exact fit of the can. Next to the can there is a small quick start guide in the pack. All cardboard, I like that! The can appears to be of high quality and is cleanly crafted in all areas. The power switch is easy to reach and press and, depending on the operating status, is red or blue or dark. The Humbli has a CE marking and, according to the label, is protection class II, which means that it should be at least double insulated everywhere. Since the can is glued, I have to believe it. The house pictogram is also printed on it, so the can can only be used indoors.Hombli AppIn the product description I read that the Hombli has its own app and was developed in the Netherlands. The Chinese IoT platform Tuya is behind the Hombli app. Hombli states that it must comply with the GDPR and only pass on data anonymously. No matter how, the operation only works when there is an online connection and after registration. Once the registration is complete you can integrate the can. To do this, Hombli must know your 2.4 Ghz WiFi password. 5Ghz WiFi is not supported. The integration then takes place almost automatically and is explained step by step in German in the app. Anyone who still has “Smart Life cans” might be interested to know that these are usually. can be moved to Hombli without any problems. Sure, Smart-Life is the “White Label” from Tuya and that is the cloud behind Hombli.Smart Life AppAlthough Hombli is optimized for Tuya, it can also be operated with “Smart Life”. However, I had to repeat the pairing process and manually pair the can with the Smart Life Cloud. Once paired, the Hombli is like all other VRC sockets with energy measurement and can be used just as easily. Conclusion The Hombli Smart socket makes a solid impression and is at the top of the WiFi sockets in terms of price. Compared to the cheaper models, it benefits from the manufacturer's promise of compliance with the GDPR. Integration into your own app is easy and explained in German (!). Operation and programming are intuitive. Buy recommendation.

WiFi socket with energy measurement

The Hombli Smart socket for 220-250V/50Hz 16A is fully insulated and has a CE mark. This smart socket (smart socket) can be integrated and operated in Tuya and the Smart Life app. Measuring data on consumption is displayed and summed up. I made a few screenshots of my iPhone to show how the socket is displayed in the app (Smart Life). Setting up goes without any problems and if you use the Alexa app after setting it up updated, the socket is also displayed straight away and can be operated by voice. What I like is the button on the socket for manual switching and starting the setup, as well as the quite slim design of the socket. Unfortunately, the price/performance ratio is still poor Can be optimized therefore there are 4 stars

Der Rasenmähermann
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ideal WiFi socket ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The WiFi socket from hombli is one of the products that can be installed with ease and you don't have the pressure of having to use the manufacturer's own app. Even if this is unfortunately provided for in the English instructions. I'm tired of having to use manufacturer-specific apps for standard devices, data is collected everywhere where it doesn't have to be. I've been using the Smart Life app for quite some time, where there is no registration requirement. All standard devices can be integrated here with very few exceptions. Installation took place within a minute. The socket has an energy measuring function and can otherwise be switched on and off using the button on the socket. And even though I had the socket installed without any problems, others may have a harder time because they have to read the instructions first. And it should be in the buyer's local language in the packaging and not on the product page on Amazon. However, this socket only came with a German-language safety notice and EC declaration of conformity. The actual instructions were entirely in English, which deducts one star.

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